We’re revisiting an article from a while back that has become relevant again as more people look to get their affairs in order during COVID.

We’re revisiting an article from a while back that has become relevant again as more people look to get their affairs in order during COVID.
For a businessperson, the idea of your company or one you are involved with being dissolved is a scary one. However, restoring the company can be a challenge worth undertaking! If you are interested in recovering a company, Else Solicitors can help.
By not having a Will there is a distinct possibility that your Estate could end up passing to the wrong people and not to the people you would have wanted to benefit.
Tenants will also want to understand the repairing costs they may have to incur throughout the term of the Lease, and what their obligations are when returning the Property to the Landlord at the end of the term (or on opting to ‘Break’ the Lease) .
Proposals from the Ministry of Justice would see the introduction of a flat rate fee of £273 for applying for a grant of probate. Although this would be applied to practitioners and members of the public regardless of the size of estate, allowances are made of estates of less than £5000, which would not be charged.
If you were to pass away suddenly, what would happen to your four legged friends? Whilst this is something that no parent wishes to consider the correct preparation can spare your family a lot of time, heartache and expense.
Burton YMCA have benefited from funds raised by Else Solicitors following a golf day recently held at Branston Golf Club.
Else Solicitor Caroline Major shares her experiences of being a property solicitor while working on a series of recent cases.
Proposals from the Ministry of Justice would see the introduction of a flat rate fee of £273 for applying for a grant of probate. Although this would be applied to practitioners and members of the public regardless of the size of estate, allowances are made of estates of less than £5000, which would not be charged.
Warning – if you are hoping this is a juicy tale of battling beneficiaries or a feuding family, you may be disappointed! However if you are looking for a poorly drafted will leading to some extensive family tree investigation, then read on! This is a cautionary tale of the perils of not keeping your Will reviewed and updated. How things can go wrong even if there is no dispute. The facts are those of a real estate I am currently dealing with, but anonymised.