Double Portions – what are they and how might they affect my estate?

Imagine this situation – a parent has written a Will leaving their estate to their 2 children in equal shares. Then after doing this, they make a gift of a substantial sum of money to the younger sibling to help them buy a house. If the parent then dies without making a similar gift to the older child, do we end up with an imbalance in the estate – would/should the older sibling expect to receive more from the estate to balance up the lifetime gift to their sibling? This is where the double portions rule is likely to be effective.

Building for Success – or Failure?

One of the key things a business must get right to ensure its ongoing success is the location it decides to trade from. Choosing the wrong property or entering into a poor commercial deal can really limit an enterprise’s potential or, in some cases, be the difference between commercial triumph and failure.

Will you, or won’t you?

It is a number that is at an all-time high. More than 31 million people in the UK now do not have a Will, a number that has been rising over the last decade. But if you fail to make a Will and keep it updated, all your legacy will be is stress and worry for your loved ones, and at a time they are grieving and least able to cope with it.

Dying intestate – without a Will – also means that your belongings may not be dealt with in a way that you would want.

Forever in debt?

There is nothing more frustrating for those running an enterprise than winning the business, delivering the work and then failing to get paid for it. Those who are late in paying and those who refuse to pay cause so much frustration and worry for businesses. But with the help of a specialist, businesses can start to tackle these problems and turn around a negative situation to something that it is much more positive.