A new government scheme can help you get some breathing space from debt, Else solicitors has a breakdown of how the scheme works.

A new government scheme can help you get some breathing space from debt, Else solicitors has a breakdown of how the scheme works.
At a time when it’s anything but “business as usual”. We wanted to offer some helpful advice… Our experts at Else have developed some top tips to help keep SMEs going until the market re-stabilises and we can all move forward stronger than ever post COVID-19.
Some old business debts are written off in the accounts at the end of each…
You can use the Small Claims Court if you are owed an amount of money (up to £10,000.00) by a person or organisation when you have already attempted but failed to recover the amount owed.
At Else Solicitors our debt recovery specialists have identified recurring trends having a negative impact…
Credit Managers and Credit Controllers often feel that their role is sometimes undervalued within business. They have the unenviable job of recovering payments which are contractually due, a role which is often taken for granted.
You can entrust us to collect your debts quickly safe in the knowledge that we…
By Chris Else, Managing Partner at Else Solicitors chris.else@elselaw.co.uk, 01283 526200 Businesses that are affected…
In the case of debts owed to you by either individuals or companies, it is…