It can protect a host of created work including, words, images, music, dance and software.
Copyright is a type of intellectual property which protects the form of expression of ideas, rather than the ideas themselves. Copyright will only protect something that has been recorded in some way. It intends to reward the creative process of an author in original works.
Ownership of copyright can present challenges for businesses. Typically (and subject to an agreement to the contrary) if an employee creates an original work (words, drawings, images, computer code or written processes) during the course of their employment, then the employer owns the copyright.
If the author or creator is a consultant, or someone working under a service contract for the business, there is less clarity on copyright ownership and in this event Else Solicitors will study the agreements between the business and the consultant or third party.
If you commission a third party to create work on your behalf it is important to have a specific agreement detailing ownership of the work done.